Saturday, June 23, 2007


Jon Udel, also known as the father of screencasting, recently answered some questions by Beth Kanter.

I have viewed Jon's screencasts, and they are really very well made, and so are his podcasts (Interviews with innovators) on ItConversations. Jon's got a great vision on the power of new media and blogging.

Those who are interested in screencasting will find the above post helpful, but along with information on screencasting, I also wanted to point out how two people communicated through their blogs and had a conversation that lead to learning. Beth wanted to know more about screencasting. She did some research, some work, and as a result had questions. She posted her experiences as well as her questions on her blog, and got a reply from Jon on his.

What a wonderful way to learn and share information. This is the real power of blogging and the read/write web.

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