Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Kickstart!

So the kickstart meeting of BlogCamp Pune, which I was eagerly waiting, is done.Incidentally, it also happened to be the last meeting before the actual event on 16th June - so I have been informed. Who cares for physical meets, when you have Wiki's and mobiles and mobile blogs and web blogs?

I was looking forward to the kickstart meeting for 2 reasons - to meet some young minds and to be part of an exciting endeavor. Well - first is definitely satisfied. There were these great techies who also blogged. Second reason
that I would be able to be a part of an exciting affair is however still unquenched. The reason I am trying to tell myself is that 'It is a BarCamp, so you need not organise. Just be there.' It seems sounds interesting...It is a chance for me to experience a true UnConference in Pune.

To turn to basics and to blogging, the eternal question - Why do we blog?

-- Ganesh Kulkarni