Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here are few more Blogcamp Pune goodies for your blogs :)

I am going to speak at Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to speak at Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

Blogcamp Pune Badges, now flash support for Blogcamp Pune on your blog

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to speak at Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to speak at Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to speak at Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>

I am going to attend Blogcamp Pune
<a href="" ><img src="" /></a>


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bloggers Lunch Pune

The beautiful city of Pune makes me wonder why am I not staying there? Everytime I visit that place I find more reasons to love it. This time there were 15 more reasons, the 15 amazing bloggers I met at the Bloggers Lunch Pune. I knew I had to be in Pune this weekend so, I called up Rohit and asked him if we can meet over lunch and rest of the bloggers friends as well. The geek that he is, put up a wiki and set the scene. We decided that we should not spam whole of pune but tell about the lunch only to close friends and the bloggers that we met at the last meet. Priyank arranged the venue and we were all set.

The lunch was good and the high point was meeting everyone. Among them were some of the best bloggers of Pune. Though I got bit late, but was there on time for the lunch (gave another chance to Rohit for saying "Tarun is never late for the lunch").

Lets follow the rest of the events in the pics. As they say picture is worth thousand words and I have added few more.

Bloggers_Lunch_Pune_Tarun_Chandel_PicMeetu, Sumit and Prasoon.

Bloggers_Lunch_Pune_Tarun_Chandel_PicJasleen and Bhavya

Bloggers_Lunch_Pune_Tarun_Chandel_PicThe bunch of bloggers at the lunch for bloggers.

It was pleasure to meet Rohit (partner in this crime like most other), Priyank (arranged for the venue and lunch, always enthusiastic about implementing the ideas), Meetu (great movie reviewer and always fun to talk to... Meetu remember that you have promised me a tea for the next time), Bhavya (great girl, loves to do a lot of things. Got to know that she is an excellent driver just like most other girls :)), Sumit (the best photographer and loves sharing his wisdom with others for example remove the lens cover before shooting.), Prasoon (got to meet him for the first time, nice guy), Sachin (met him for the first time but sounded like a very resourceful guy. If you are looking to go out for lunch or dinner contact him he can book a place for you anywhere is Pune), Pramila (met her first at the blogcamp pune last year she was with Purplenova then, now she is with ITVidya. Always a pleasure to meet her.), Harsha (this dude is amazing, walked for 40 mins to come to the meet not only talks but lives a green life. This was probably our last meeting in Pune as he will be leaving Pune soon.), Krishna (met him for the first time, nice guy), Amit (he is a php pro. It is always a pleasure to meet him), Ramana (one of the latest person to join the blogging bandwagon. Very enthusiastic and keen to learn, wish you good luck for your blog journey sir), Jasleen (works for Great foundation) , Krity (is the one who designed the blogcamp mumbai style logo, she is always ready to help us with designs. Very nice girl.) and Isha (met her for the first time, she is Krity's sister). Looking forward to more such fun meetings.

For rest of the pics please visit my picasa album.
Visit Priyank's blog for details about the meet.

Tarun Chandel
Barcamp Pune Team

Cross posted on iThink...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

BlogCamp Mumbai Style

Over to BlogCamp Mumbai Style from now on.
Visit BlogCamp Mumbai Style blog for updates.
Visit BlogCamp Mumbai Stlye wiki for registration and event details.

See you at BlogCamp Mumbai Stlye.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Wait is about to get over...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

BlogCampPune Pics

Finally I managed to upload Pics on Flickr. I havent been able to filter them though, request you all to see the pics and provide comments so that I can easily identify the pics that are not good and pat myself for the pics that are good.

BlogcampPune Pics

Note: The Camera is new and I am still exploring the functionalities, so pardon me if the photos are not clear.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Let's keep this platform alive... contd.

Here's the second thing.

In BlogCampPune, we had a discussion on old vs. new media. I think it was a very important as well as a relevant discussion. This blog can serve as an extended platform to continue such discussions on the impact of blogging on society, journalism, education, etc.

BlogCampPune had a very good mix of techies and journalists. I think both have a unique and an important perspective to blogging and it's implications.

I personally do not think blogging is a threat to traditional newspaper houses. Just like television did not kill the radio, blogging will not kill the newspaper. But blogging WILL have an impact on how newspaper houses deliver their news.

There is much that can be said and discussed. Those who wish to participate can do so here, or on their own blogs and simply mail the links on the newsgroup or put them up as comments to a relevant post.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Let's keep this platform alive... contd.

Yes let's keep this platform going. Two things come to mind.

In the kickout session of BlogCampPune, we had decided to have a workshop to help people start bogging and perhaps introduce advanced topics to those who already have their blogs. Can we make this blog as a focus point for the workshop, and perhaps even have the tutorial online as screencasts and audiocasts. This will make it accessible to people who do not reside in Pune, and will allow people to access the material asynchronously.

I will blog about the second point tomorrow :-)


Monday, June 25, 2007

Let's keep this platform alive

Blogcamp Pune was a really good event and got a lot of attention from good bloggers. I got some requests/queries regarding the future of this blog. I think this is a good platform and we can use this platform for some good discussions. If you are interested in being a part of this blog, please write a mail to me (tarunchandel AT gmail) and I will add you. Let's keep this blog alive and rocking!

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Jon Udel, also known as the father of screencasting, recently answered some questions by Beth Kanter.

I have viewed Jon's screencasts, and they are really very well made, and so are his podcasts (Interviews with innovators) on ItConversations. Jon's got a great vision on the power of new media and blogging.

Those who are interested in screencasting will find the above post helpful, but along with information on screencasting, I also wanted to point out how two people communicated through their blogs and had a conversation that lead to learning. Beth wanted to know more about screencasting. She did some research, some work, and as a result had questions. She posted her experiences as well as her questions on her blog, and got a reply from Jon on his.

What a wonderful way to learn and share information. This is the real power of blogging and the read/write web.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

A little writeup for BlogCampPune?

The folks at SCIT were very happy with the way BlogCampPune turned out. They have requested a little writeup about the event. I think what they want is roughly along these lines:
  1. What is an unconference and why is it good?
  2. What is the importance of blogging?
  3. Why did we choose to have an unconference on blogging?
  4. Proceedings of the event (what was discussed and who was there...)
  5. Lessons learned
  6. Future plans... more events?
Can we do this collaboratively? I would like to get everyone involved because it will give a more rounded perspective. Maybe we can just write blog posts, here or on personal blogs. I will collate everything and create a writeup for SCIT.

If you write something in response to this post, please be sure to comment here and give the post's URL.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Blogcamp Pune on Flickr

click to enlarge

Abdul Qabiz wasted no time in getting his photos from the
Camp uploaded the same night to Flickr, and they are very
nicely done, show your appreciation and leave a comment
on his photos !

Where are the others ? Any Media coverage ?


Friday, June 15, 2007

1..2...3...and here we go!

The first look of the venue:

Tarun talking to SCIT students in the Yoga hall (thats why they are sitting on the ground) about the "stuff" that is going rock there campus tomorrow.

Times of India getting impressed!

I Am At Blogcamp Pune (Virtually)

Just my way of sending greetings and good wishes to
all the organisers and bloggers attending the Camp...

Dear Blogcamp Pune attendees :
by taking part in this 'Unconference' today June 16th 2007,
you have created and become a part of Pune history. As I
send this message to you from Texas in the USA,
I am of
course saddened that I could not be a part of this
moment in my hometown's development. But more,
I am
that the future of Indian blogging is in good shape.

Why ? Because you are mostly young, eager, ambitious,
brilliant and seeking to create a market for bloggers in a
country that has nowhere to go but forward.

I have no technical knowledge of what goes into the creation
and marketing of a successful blog even after two years of
steady blogging, but I do know that without readers a blog is
worthless, and the only way to get people to read your blog
is to give them the content they came for with a respectful,
accurate and consistent number of posts. Anything that your
mother wouldn't read in public is probably not worth writing
about. Edit and revise your posts because that is your
privilege as the blog owner. Offer comments on other blogs
and positive comments will find their way to you.

Perhaps some of you will become seasoned and respected
bloggers worldwide, while others may just move on to other
entrepreunerial things. But I sincerely believe none of you will
ever forget this day, so enjoy it, learn from it and may you be
blessed with success in all your life's undertakings.

Shukriya, Shabaash, and..... Go Pune !!


Monday, June 11, 2007

... in the meantime we were covered by Indian Express

I was at SCIT this weekend for some preparation work of Blogcamp Pune and as soon as I entered Ms. Kagal's room, she said, "oh you are all over the news these days". It was good to hear from a lady like her, she told me that Blogcamp pune was covered in the Indian Express.

Though I couldn't get a copy of the paper but here is the link to the post in Indian Express about the Blogcamp Pune.

Later in the day when I was at the printer's workshop, a lady told me (looking at out tshirt design), "blogging is getting hot, I read about a conf in today's newspaper. You guys should go to the conf if you are interested". Waaoow people are noticing, feels great!

Another Sponsor. GREAT!

Blogcamp Pune got another surprise sponsor at the last possible moment. We are proud to have Bollywood Blog as our Gold Sponsor.

To know our sponsors better, visit the BlogCamp Pune Sponsors page.
We have raised 105K (Waaoow!!) set out to raise 100K we exceed the target, feels great and reinforces the belief that if you have pure intent, you will surely hit the target.

Looking forward to meet all of you at the Blogcamp Pune, this Saturday.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Our most recent sponsor

Ekartha has also pledged support for BlogCampPune. This is going to be an awesome event guys!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Guess who just came in to support us?

Blogcamp Pune proudly presents our third Platinum Sponsor: Fropper. I have just received the confirmation from the Fropper team and they are very keen to be a part of the Blogcamp Pune.

To know our sponsors better, visit the BlogCamp Pune Sponsors page.

Now we have raised 90K (Hurray!!) and still need 10k more, there are still few deals in the pipeline but tomorrow is the last day of accepting Sponsorship Amount. If you are interested in sponsoring the Blogcamp Pune please take a look at our Sponsorship Guide, though the time is running out.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Globalization of Blogging

DW-WORLD.DE is now poised to report on the upcoming
G8 Summit which sparked severe riots in Rostock a few
days ago. As the event nears, bloggers everywhere are even more
forceful and outspoken. Here's a link to some good blogging
news from Deutsche Welle entitled
From Africa to Germany, Blogs Reflect a Globalized World Local issues are connecting bloggers to the wider world
More news in their newsletter at my Blog


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

And we have another Sponsor

Blogcamp Pune just got another sponsor. Techgoss, they had covered buildup to Blogcamp Pune 2 months back, will be our Gold Sponsor.

To know our sponsors better visit the BlogCamp Pune Sponsors page.

So now we have raised 70k and still need 30k more, there are still few deals in the pipeline and I am keeping my fingers crossed. If you are interested in sponsoring the Blogcamp Pune please take a look at our Sponsorship Guide.

Screencast on Delicious

Here's another very nice screencast by Jon Udell, on the social bookmarking service, Again not directly relevant to blogging, social bookmarking services are a great way to save links to useful pages, tag them, and share them with the community.

Very useful for keeping track of good blog posts and sharing them with the community.

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Blogcamp Promotion Pics (Part 5)

Here is an interesting pic from Soham. Put it on your blog, or mail it to your friends to spread word about Blogcamp Pune in a fun manner.

More such interesting pics coming soon, thanks to generous photographers like Soham.

Promotional Pics for Blogcamp Pune Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Screencast on OpenId

I came accross a very good screencast on OpenId. You can check it out here.

Even though OpenId is not directly related to blogging, there are many uses of OpenId for bloggers. Using OpenId, bloggers can claim the comments they post on other's blogs. OpenId also helps blog authors to know that a comment did indeed come from the person who claims to be the commenter.

A good screencast for including in our BlogCamp.

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... and here are the Sponsors

Blogcamp Pune feels proud to present our Sponsors (finalized so far).

Venue Sponsor:


Platinum Sponsors:

Sulekha Rediff

Gold Sponsors:

Better Labs SMS GupShup

To know our sponsors better visit the BlogCamp Pune Sponsors page.

We need Rs 100,000 for the event and we have raised Rs 60,000 so far thanks to our sponsors. We are still looking for a few more sponsors to raise Rs 40,000 more. If you are interested in sponsoring the Blogcamp Pune please take a look at our Sponsorship Guide.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Blogcamp Promotion Pics (Part 4)

Here are some interesting pics from Stephanie. Put them on your blog, or mail them to your friends to spread word about Blogcamp Pune in a fun manner.

More such interesting pics coming soon, thanks to generous photographers like Stephanie.

Promotional Pics for Blogcamp Pune Series:
Part 1
Part 2

Ganesh on blogging

Swajana has captured Ganesh, one of our teammate for Blogcamp Pune, talking about blogs and blogosphere.

Thanks to Swajana, Hitesh and Freeman.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Blogcamp Promotion Pics (Part 3)

Here comes the Part 3 of our series of Promotional Pics for Blogcamp Pune. Here are some interesting pics from Sunand. Put them on your blog, or mail them to your friends to spread word about Blogcamp Pune in a fun manner.

More such interesting pics coming soon, thanks to generous photographers like Sunand.

Promotional Pics for Blogcamp Pune Series:
Part 1
Part 2

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The ball is rolling

This is what I read today morning.

DNA (Mumbai) covered an intro about Blogcamp Pune, thanks to Riddhi Doshi of DNA for taking efforts to cover Blogcamp Pune.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Idea for Blogcamp Pune Contribution

Well, it looks like there's someone else besides Tarun
Just kidding ! I know everyone's in the heat of the Blogcamp buzz,
and that's
obvious from the screencast and pics emerging slowly
but surely.

At the first mention of the Camp, my initial reaction was, I would
contribute by sending in a short post, which would then be read
to the Camp attendees by a blogger who is well-spoken (here
meaning clear enunciation and pronunciation). That idea still sounds
viable to me but only if there exists a blogger with nothing of his/her
own to say who is willing to mouth my words.

Can such a blogger exist ? I believe so, but if you don't, Punekars,
try this: create a Post that you would like to be read in public by your
favourite speaker/actor. Read it aloud as they would. Do you like what
you hear ? If you do, then you have created something valuable that you
can share with others at Blogcamp Pune.

e-mail : frdmill.2005(at)blogger(dot)com


Monday, May 21, 2007

Blogcamp Promotion Pics (Part 2)

Going forward with our series of Promotional Pics for Blogcamp Pune. Here are some interesting pics from Veeresh Malik. Put them on your blog, or mail them to your friends to spread word about Blogcamp Pune in a fun manner.

More such interesting pics coming soon, thanks to generous photographers like Veeresh Malik.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Screencast on sense making in the blogosphere

I came accross a very good screencast by Jon Udel, on how he consumes his blog feeds and makes sense of all this information using social bookmarking.

I recommend adding this screencast to our playlist for BlogCampPune. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blogcamp Pune Video

Freeman and Hitesh had come to the Kick Start meet of Blogcamp Pune. They shot a small video about the Blogcamp Pune.
Here is a video of Blogcamp Pune.
Thanks to Swajana, Techsutra, Ajay, Hitesh and Freeman.

Blogcamp Promotion Pics

Take a look at some of the promotional pics for Blogcamp Pune. You can put these on your Blog or mail them to your friends and this will help us in spreading word about the Blogcamp Pune.

Thanks to Yash for letting us use his photographs.

I will be posting more such interesting pics from more interesting and generous photographers like Yash. Keep a tab on this blog.